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Built in the USA. When you see this logo, you know it stands for pride .
DRG Custom carts, is a company which grew out of the Love and Respect for the Rec Teq Grills company, its products and above all, its customer service and the Family it has Built. At DRG Custom Cart we are proud to be an American. We support our Flag and the men & women that fought and continue to fight for the freedoms we share everyday. God Bless us ALL.
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At DRG Custom Carts, we do everything we can to build you a quality product. This is a company that grew out of the love and support of the Rec Tec Grills community of people supporting people.
If you are anything like me, you spent hundreds of hours watching Youtube videos, and surfing the web looking for the best pellet smoker you could afford. As you may have already found out, there are countless numbers of pellet smokers on the market today. For the most part, there are several that build a nice quality product. However, again if you are like me, you know its not always "just about the product", its about the company you are buying into. After all, you are buying a machine, and machines are prone to break down. So when you have that issue "big or small", how quick and easy is it to get a hold of customer service, and how fast do they correct your issue. Well, let me just say that in my research, and personal experience. I have found that ONE company stand head and shoulders above the rest. That company is Rec Teq Grills. They offer incredible products, from the Bullseye pellet grill, all the way up to their big boy the "BULL RT-700 stainless steel smoker". Their warranty is one of the best in the industry, But where they truly surpass everyone is their Customer service . They have taken customer service to an all time high. But PLEASE don't just take my word for it, after all you truly don't know me, so just take a few days and go on Facebook. Go to "Rec Teq Grill owners of America". That is a private owned Facebook page, that is NOT affiliated with Rec Tec Grills at all. Its just a group of amazing people that all own Rec Tec Grills. I truly think after just a few days you will see for yourself, Rec Tec Grills doesn't just build and sell smokers, they build families.
God Bless